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We sell pond supplies, koi, goldfish, and aquatic plants at our farm in Portland, CT. We install, service, maintain and fix ponds, waterfalls, and water features.
Did you purchase a house with a pond and have no idea how to care for it? Or maybe you have a pond that that loses water constantly. Is your pond always pea soup green? Or are predators eating all of your fish? Well we are here to help. We offer a range of services to help keep your water feature happy and healthy all year long.
It is important to maintain your water feature to prevent a buildup of debris and nutrients which cause algae blooms, poor water quality, and can harm your fish. Do not wait for a problem to arise, prevent it and sign up for a service today.
Spring Pond Cleaning
We will fix/replace any products that have deteriorated/broke (ie Filter Mats, LED Lights, IonGen parts, Check Valves). We like to add carbon and barley bales to help ease spring maintenance. For...
Pond Installation
Date: | Post ID:1152 | Views:3786
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We specialize in building professional grade, natural looking ponds and waterfalls. We use the Aquascape product line to build our ponds.
How Does a Pond Work?
We use a 45 mil EDPM liner and geotextile underlayment as the base of the pond. The liner allows the pond to hold water while the underlayment protects the liner from getting punctured. We will install a pond skimmer which collects any floating debris and houses the pump. Water from the pond is pulled into the skimmer and pumped up a pipe to the waterfall and into the biofalls (filter). The biofalls is a box filled with filter media; water enters from the bottom and moves up through the filter media before spilling out into the waterfall. (In the first photo, the...
Pondless Waterfall Installation
Date: | Post ID:1151 | Views:3370
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We specialize in building professional grade, natural looking ponds and waterfalls. We use the Aquascape product line to build our ponds.
How Does a Pondless Waterfall Work?
A Pondless Waterfall is simply a re-circulating waterfall or stream without the presence of a pond. The waterfall works by pumping water contained in a large, in-ground reservoir up and through the Waterfall Spillway, allowing the water to flow back down into the reservoir. This simple recirculation system requires very little maintenance, is easy to install, and ideal for families with young children or pets that love to play in water.
Fountain Installation
Date: | Post ID:1147 | Views:2942
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The easiest and most affordable way to add a water feature to your yard. Fountainscapes are low maintenance, energy efficient, and fully recirculating.
How Does A Fountain?
A fountain works by pumping water, contained in an underground reservoir, up through the fountain, allowing the water to flow back into the reservoir. A variety of fountain kits types are available to suit your style and budget.
How Do I Sign Up for a Fountain Quote?
Click the button below to sign up for an installation quote. We do charge $100 to $200, depending on travel time, to come out to your house and give you an estimate. You can also email photos of your yard to our email and we will give you a free estimate.
Natural Ponds and Lakes - Fountains, Aeration, and Water Treatments